Diary of a Geeky Teacher

Impacting the Curriculum with EdTech

About Me

This all started when I was on a course and was lucky enough to hear both @redgierob and @ICT_MrP, who both led a brilliant course about learning with Technology and how it can benefit Literacy/English. Lee Parkinson, also suggested that having your own personal blog is a brilliant way to develop yourself, so here goes nothing!

 I have been lucky enough to join the team Bury LA Leading Teachers, who are a group of teachers chosen to run courses in Bury as well as schools outside the Local Auhority. As the Computing Lead for coming up to four years, my Head encouraged me to take up this opportunity, which is great for me to share my interests and also for me to benefit from the interests of others. I am a big believer that the quality of learning will always be better when you have a teacher who is passionate about the subject.